Tuesday 17 August 2010


Random Talkies

Tuesday 9:00 AM. Random day. Rainy day in a noodle shop but not having noodles. Sorry, not in Hong Kong. It could've been ripped off a Wong Kar Wai movie but no. It's just a typical conversation between male/female friends who rarely see each other. This conversation would never work with two males and two females talking. Why? For males it would require the push of alcohol. For females the topic would always go back to shopping.

"Pass the chili"
"Is this really chili?"
"Sauteed in garlic."
"Shee-it, sauteed."
"Burns like fucking acid." "Gives the food flavor" "Keeps your mind off the cholesterol" "Shits good." " Here."

He puts half a spoon of this wonderful concoction red chili sautéed in garlic while retaining the oil.

" Fuck, it burns". "And you ain't even sweating... for a girl."
" Emma Frost is my name". Paige deadpans.
"You're a Marvel chick after all."

Deckard slapping the table and pointed at her fingers shaking. (Doing a Crispin Glover Back to the Future impersonation)

"Of course" "and you are...."
"The Apache Chief" “I get to have the biggest dick in the world in just a say of a word!"
"Ha ha, Super friends 1975." "You are fucking old." Paige in a rare laugh.
"I got a DVD.'
"People always have DVDs of old shit." Paige trying to stop his Quentin-ish mouth.
"Citizen fucking Kane" "You gotta have Citizen Kane." "Jimmy Dean." “East of Eden." Deckard continues. "This shit is quite good. Changing the topic for once. “I can't believe it's just wet rice and tripe." "That reminds me of an aunt's recipe, tripe and all." "I was expecting it would look grotesque but it doesn't" "She's definitely the queen of presentation."
"Isn't that Callos?" "I kind of tried it already" Paige trying to end the monologue.
"Yeah, that's right."
“And I thought seafood is light.” “I gained weight”. An offhand remark. Paige is definitely the queen of such.
“Girls and their weight.” “ What the fuck is the connection between seafood and callos? Decks sarcastically asks.
“I don’t know. Random thought.” “Toothpick.” “Fucking tripe.”
“ Here.”
“ Got to do it in the restroom.”
“I’ve seen your gums before.” “ And something else.” Deckard deadpans.

Gives him the middle finger.

“Wait here.”
“Aw c’mon.” “Going to the restroom to get tripe out of your gums?”
“None of your fucking business.” “Girl thing”.
“ Oh.” “Why didn’t ya say so.” “Need help?”

Gives him another middle finger

I don’t know if he just completely ignores her insults or he’s just cold. Anyway two could play that game and trading insults are just a way of life for these two.

“Are you eating this?”
“Yeah.” “Don’t touch it”. “I’ll be back for it.”

Girls restrooms. Why is it that it stays immaculately clean while the boys room looks and smells like a pigsty. If you don’t agree could you stand making whoopee at the boys room? Someone raising a hand? Fuck you. Slob.

She returns from her soiree. Perhaps after flossing the teeth. Powdering the nose. Girl thing.

“Where were we?”
“I don’t know.”
“Citizen Fucking Kane?”
“Yeah, Citizen Fucking Kane.”
“Orson Fucking Wells.”
“Seen that 9 hour movie?”
“Attempted to.” “I gave up after 5 hours” “Went in at 12 noon right after lunch.”
“Were you the last one out?”
“I won’t start any film school arguments with you.”

Paige an art student while Deckard is a self taught musician and engineer. Both are film buffs and argues a lot.

“Try me.”
“You could actually tell that story in two hours.” “Too many unnecessary parts”
“Taught you that in film school?” “Where people see too much films with sub titles and read too much Oscar Wilde.”
“See.” “You’re always too personal in your attacks.”
“Coming from a non-film school background I give a bitter sting of the truth”
“The movie is just showing-off.” Deckard continues.
“Guess so.”
"Who's getting this?"
"It's your turn."
"Why do I get the feeling that I have been cheated."
"Whatever Johnny Rotten, pay the tab and lets get the fuck out of here."

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